The Articles of Association of a company are the fundamental documents that are legally established and specify important matters such as the company's name, registered address, business scope, and management systems. They serve as the essential written rules governing the organization and activities of the company and are considered its constitutional document. The Articles of Association are of utmost significance for the establishment and operation of the company, as they form the foundation upon which the company is built and represent its guiding principles.
In order to regulate the operation of the General Meeting of Shareholders, ensure the legality of its convening, proceedings, and resolutions, improve the efficiency of the meeting, and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the shareholders, these rules are established based on the provisions of the Company Law of the People's Republic of China (referred to as the "Company Law"), the Rules of the General Meeting of Shareholders of Listed Companies of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, and the provisions of the Articles of Association of Dynagreen Environmental Group Co., Ltd. (referred to as the "Company").
The board of directors serves as the executive body of the company and is accountable to the shareholders' meeting. The company's board of directors consists of nine directors (currently one position vacant), namely Mr. Qiao Dewei, Mr. Zhao Zhixiong, Mr. Liu Shuguang,Mr. Tong Xiangyu, Mr. Hu Shengyong, Ms. Ouyang Jiejiao, Mr. Xie Lanjun, and Mr. Zhou Beihai. The directors are elected or replaced by the general meeting of shareholders for a term of three years.
The Supervisory Board of the company consists of Ms. Tian Yingying, Ms. Yu Lijun, and Mr. Yan Shiwen. Ms. Tian Yingying serves as the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, and Mr. Yan Shiwen serves as the Employee Supervisor.
The executive team of the company consists of Mr. Cheng Suning as the Acting President, Mr. Xi Qiang as the Vice President, Mr. Hao Jingli as the Vice President, Mr. Zhang Yong as the Vice President, Mr. Huang Jianzhong as the Vice President, Mr. Zhu Shuguang as the Vice President and Secretary to the Board of Directors, Mr. Zhang Wei as the Chief Engineer, Mr. Yi Zhiyong as the Chief Financial Officer, Mr. Liu Lin as the Assistant to the President and Mr. Pi Siwei as the General Counsel.